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.Tuesday, November 3, 2009 ' 6:00 AM Y
!Altar oF Gamers(AoG)!

Guess What?

Yeap, guess what? AoG entered DMIT's Gamers Meet 3. Before I start the long post, let me just give a warm welcome to our newest member, Qi Jia. =D. Back to topic....

Like I've stated above, we entered Gamers Meet 3 and today was our first round. We were up against QoP (Quantum of Power, hope I spelled it correctly =p). They put up a fierce fight and they had very good coordination skills. I'll try to remember all the bans and picks from the match.

-CM mode.
AoG Sents, QoP Scourge.
AoG pick/ban first.

Bans (Not in any order): ES, Tide, Doom, NA, Enig, SShaman, ...I forgot the rest. I'll update if I get the info.

Heroes Pick: (Sents)
CM - AoG)<(^.^)> - Jonathan
Zues - AoG)Cheng - Wang Cheng
Lion - AoG) - Alvin
TA - AoG)Angeles - Mei Tong
SF - AoG)DotaisGhey - Qi Jia


This round we went for a 3-1-1 combo. We got first blood and we controlled top lane alot. SF and TA was farming but not that good. Our ganks failed quite often but we won clashes more than they did =p. We had to fight so hard that our first rax was 1 of the buildings at top. Followed by another raxed at bottom after regen&gather. Top was fully raxed by our creeps later and we went straight for mega creeps at mid. It was a close match. QoP would had had us sweating but the air-conditioning was superb =].

All in all, we won the first round and lets hope we go further than that. Thanks QoP for that great match.


.Monday, October 12, 2009 ' 12:41 PM Y
!Altar oF Gamers(AoG)!


Yeah, was gone for a long time. =p. Too lazy to post all the matches we played. Anyways, thanks to CM mode, I do not have to note down the bans and picks =D. But of course, it's hard for me to remember everything and I have to go through replays to get the heroes~

I'll try my best but no promises ^_^.

Anyways, to GoB, contact me through msn for a friendly draft =]. It's been long since we last matched up. Hope to hear from you soon, Afiq.

We're drafting in Garena Clan War Room 1 when we have the time. Losing most of the matches D=. But we're manage this upcoming compy =D. Catch us for a friendly draft there.

Or, you can add and contact any one of the following: AoG)Reyko



.Tuesday, August 11, 2009 ' 9:41 AM Y
!Altar oF Gamers(AoG)!









.Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ' 9:58 AM Y
!Altar oF Gamers(AoG)!

2 Matches in a row.

Think we're on harsh training.
At 2pm, we started DotA-ing. Then about 5-6pm, we met a group of 5 friends(pubs) and so I propose a friendly draft with them. They agreed and so we started.

We played 2 rounds, the 1st round was canceclled because hx and vin suddenly dc-ed and so we went on to the 2nd round with the same banned and chosen heroes.

Banned Heroes: Na, Tinker, Tide, Lycan, TP, PL, Warlock, PoTm.

Chosen Heroes:
Sent (AoG):

Scourge (PubTeam):

Both the 1st and 2nd game started off at its worse. All 3 lanes were not doing very well but we manage to catch up on mid game gangs. I guess we must practice more on early game. Oh ya, after vin and hx dc-ed, they called us noobs >_>. Furthermore, during the 2nd game when we were winning, they accused us of mh. Comedic Clowns.

Later onwards at about 11:30pm, we manage to have 1 last draft with zf team before we hit the sack.

Banned Heroes: Tide, Na, Mag, Omni, Warlock, SA, SkeleK.
Chosen Heroes:
Sent (Zf's Team with 1 Htht's team member):

Scourge (AoG):

Zf's team put up a good fight against us. Though it's quite sad they gave up when we raxed.

.Monday, March 30, 2009 ' 7:13 AM Y
!Altar oF Gamers(AoG)!


Finally, after that long long long gaming sessions with pubs, we are now back to drafting! So if anyone wants a friendly draft, please feel free to tag us with your name and e-mail.

First off, let us invite a new member into the clan : Alvin Ang!!! Woots!

Just a few minutes ago, a friend draft against zf team ended. Before I continue elaborating on the happenings, here are the banned and the chosen.

Banned Heroes: NA, Omni, Tide, SkeleK, ES, PotM, TP, Warlock.

Sentinel (zf's team with some of htht's members):

Scourge (AoG):

The game started off badly as zf team dominated top and btm leaving them helpless with the farming. Mid lane became the runner LOL! ThD & Puck both went to help their teammates. We even up the score by clashing during mid games and the clashes were on our side. We kill more than we die during the next few clashes and went in to rax mid. Then, raxed top and went for the throne. Overall, it was a great match. Very educational. Thanks for the match zf.

Eventhough we won this game guys, we still have more to improve on. Especially our early games. I guess it's due to nervousness or whatever reasons you have please note it down so next time we can discuss more thoroughly.
Gambateh AoG!


.Saturday, January 24, 2009 ' 9:17 AM Y
!Altar oF Gamers(AoG)!

Haha. Finally another game to remember.

Ok, so here we have 5 friends from pubs.

I forgot the neams so I'll refer them as Pub.

Some pub(Clockwerk)


WE ALL CHOSE. NO ONE RANDOMED. Why such seriousness? Starting of the match we have the tension arousing between both teams. So yeah. They went on to pour oil into the fire by claiming "ff" on to all chat. Leading to a "srry wrong chat". Hahas. Pathetic players (we were winning after he said all those BTW). Man, how dumb can pubs get? A lucky thing our pub did'nt feed nor did he do anything great to let me remember. But yeah, great match.

.Thursday, January 22, 2009 ' 7:27 AM Y
!Altar oF Gamers(AoG)!


Pub games on Garena. Very very boring I say! Well, ladder matches are not doing anything with the leavers....Bah~ Hope to get back the enthusiasm soon. I soooooo want to enter WCG. Hope the whole team feels that way...Some don't....But I do. Worse comes to worse I'll just have to.....Never mind =D. I believe I can pursuade them I hope.



Name :Altar Of Gamers
Aqe :0
D.O.B :31/07/2008
Our Altar of Gamers(AoG) vision:

We possessed the art of Intelligent, mastery and deceit
The lust for wisdom to manipulate and deceive will grows within us.
At our Best, we are brilliant and invincible to all
At our Worst, we are treacherous and vicious
Our souls lie with the Altar where fear shall be unleashed




-AoG)HonGXianG// vodka4ever
-AoG)Alvin// sentimentallie
-AoG)Cheng// mind-follow-heart
-AoG)ShangJie// ke3pervskangaroo
-AoG)YiLong// yl-el-sl
-AoG)Jonathan// tiffnbaby
-ngeean// ngeeanndota